Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on a tour of his parliamentary constituency Varanasi on Dev Deepavali festival. After lighting the lamp, PM Modi addressed the people of Kashi. On this occasion, PM Modi, while referring to Guru Nanak, reminded the agitating farmers about their learning.
The PM said that today we talk about reforms, but in the society and the system, Guru Nanak Dev himself was the biggest symbol of reforms. We have also seen that when there are changes in the society and the national interest, the voices of unintentional opposition definitely arise. But when the significance of those reforms comes to the fore, everything goes well. This is the lesson we get from the life of Guru Nanak Devji.
The PM said that Kashi is going to give light to the whole world. The path is about to show. In every age, with the light of Kashi, someone adds penance to a great man and shows the path to Kashi world. He said that this feeling of Kashi, this aspect of the tradition of Dev Deepawali makes it emotional.
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