In Bihar, the disputes between Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and Leader of Opposition Tejashwi Yadav have increased. On Friday, CM Nitish Kumar became furious on Tejashwi Yadav inside the assembly. In fact, Tejashwi attacked the CM in the House and alleged that he was involved in a murder case in 1991. At the same time, Tejashwi also surrounded Nitish, referring to the fine of 25 thousand rupees imposed on him in the case of content theft. On this, the CM fiercely listened to Tejashwi Yadav.
At the same time, in conversation with the media after the assembly proceedings, Tejashwi Yadav said that from the Prime Minister to the Chief Minister, 31-year-old boys like me remained behind. What is my name? The public has given us a mandate and this government has come through the door.
Tejashwi said that the case happened in 1991, the decision was to come in 2008, but was postponed. Everyone knows how the case ended in 2019-20. Will the SP work against him while Chief Minister (Nitish Kumar)? You would have resigned, then get an inquiry done.
Tejashwi said that when it comes to purity in front of the Chief Minister, we have always respected him. Addressing them as uncles, but what did they say about my parents, they kept producing daughters in want of a son. We have a sister after two brothers. I told him the same thing that after a son, he did not produce a child, should there be a daughter.
It is not right to raise such issue in the House
Explain that after the end of Tejashwi Yadav’s speech, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Vijay Chaudhary defended Nitish Kumar, saying that the case of murder over CM was abolished by the Supreme Court and for that reason the issue was It is not right to raise in the house.
Vijay Chaudhary demanded from the Speaker that these allegations of Tejashwi Yadav should be dropped from the proceedings of the House. On this, Tejashwi Yadav again rose up and said that the charge he has made on Nitish Kumar is not wrong.
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