The Puducherry government on Monday announced the extension of the COVID-19 lockdown till April 30 in the union territory to check its spread. The extension was in line with the decision of neighboring Tamil Nadu to contain the spread of the infection, as informed by the chief minister V Narayanasamy. He also said certain relaxations would be made for sectors such as fishery.
Puducherry has six active cases of coronavirus and all are undergoing treatment at a government hospital. Narayanasamy had on Sunday said he was waiting for guidelines from Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the extension of the lockdown, a similar line initially adopted by the Tamil Nadu government also.
Tamil Nadu chief minister K Palaniswami on Monday announced the extension of the lockdown in the state till April 30 following states like Odisha and Telangana and said the move was in accordance with the recommendations of medical and public health experts. — PTI
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