The Chief Minister of Karnataka, BS Yediyurappa has extended the lockdown in the state till June 7, on Friday. The state is facing a surge in the number of the covis cases everyday. The earlier lockdown was intended to ed on May 24.
The state has reported 32,218 fresh covid infections and 353 fatalities today. The death toll of the state has reached to 24,207 and the total number of infected people are 23,67,742.
The PTI quoted the Chief Minister’s statement saying,”We have taken some decisions regarding the lockdown after discussing them with our senior ministers, Chief secretary and other officials. Heading to the suggestions of the experts, we have decided to extend the stringent restriction from May 24 to June 7″.
The Chief Minister asked for the people’s cooperation and stated the need to follow the Covid behaviour. He requested them to wear face masks and maintain social distance and hygiene.
In the current phase of lockdown, there is no restriction on Inter-state and Intra-state travelling. The goods and people can move freely and unrestricted.
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