The Bihar assembly has got a new speaker amidst heavy opposition from the opposition. Bharatiya Janata Party MLA Vijay Kumar Sinha has been elected as NDA candidate. The Mahagathbandhan had fielded RJD MLA Awadh Bihari Singh in front of him. 126 votes were cast in favor of Vijay Sinha.
Vijay Sinha is the first BJP MLA to hold the chair of the Speaker of the Bihar Legislative Assembly. Never before has the assembly speaker’s seat gone to BJP’s account. But this time the party has changed the equation of politics of the entire state by performing a tremendous performance.
Vijay Sinha is an MLA from Lakhisarai seat. He has won the election for the third consecutive time in Lakhisarai seat. In 2015, when RJD and JDU contested elections, Vijay Sinha’s dominance in Lakhisarai continued even in that situation and he won on BJP ticket. Vijay Sinha defeated Ramanand Mandal of JDU.
In the current elections, Amarsha Kumar of Congress was in front of Vijay Sinha as the Grand Alliance candidate. Vijay Sinha defeated Amresh Kumar by a margin of 10 thousand votes.
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