Diwali Is going to celebrate in the country between Corona period. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is also preparing to celebrate Diwali in a special way this time. This time PM can celebrate Diwali with the soldiers of Indian forces on the Jaisalmer border. Chief of Defense Staff Bipin Rawat with PM Modi, Army Chief M.M. Narwane may also be involved.
Let us tell you that even before this, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been celebrating the festival of Diwali with the soldiers. PM Modi has earlier celebrated Diwali in Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand and other places by going among the soldiers. During this time, PM Modi meets the jawans, spend time with them and feed them sweets.
For the past several days, there is a tension situation between India and China on the Ladakh border. In such a situation, if PM Modi meets army personnel, then he will also get excited. Let me tell you that before the tension between Ladakh, PM Modi suddenly reached Leh.
Even then, PM Modi suddenly surprised everyone by reaching Leh, as well as talking to the soldiers. PM Modi addressed the soldiers there and was full of enthusiasm.
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