NCB’s grip on Bollywood stars is being tightened on the drugs connection. Actor Arjun Rampal is being questioned in the NCB office. Earlier, NCB questioned Arjun Rampal’s live-in partner Gabriela. You know, after the search operation on Arjun Rampal’s bungalow, NCB sent a summons to the actor and his live-in partner Gabriela. Ban medicines were recovered from his house.
On the other hand, the NCB has arrested Australian-origin architect Paul Bartle in the Sushant Singh Rajput drugs case. Paul Bartle is close to the drug supplier Agisialos Demetriades (brother of Gabriel, Arjun Rampal’s live-in partner) and Arjun Rampal. According to NCB sources, Arjun Rampal and Paul Bartal may be questioned face to face.
The name of Arjun and his live-in partner surfaced in this case when the NCB recovered Hashish and Alprazolam tablets from Agisialos Demetriades, the brother of Gabriela Demetriades. Currently, Agisialos Demetriades is under the control of NCB. According to NCB sources, they have found electronic evidence against Arjun and Gabriella.
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