Prince Harry and Meghan Markle completed three years to their wedding on Wednesday, 19tyh May. On this occasion they made a special announcement for India. In a statement shared on the Archewell Foundation website, the couple announced that they would be building a community relief centre amid covid crisis in Mumbai in partnership with World Central Kitchen.
The statement shared was,” Right now covid-19 cases are spiking across the entire country of India. On Tuesday (18th May), India’s total virus cases exceeded 25 million, with 260,000 new cases and 4,329 deaths reported in the past 24 hours. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost, millions have been infected, and there is widespread concern that the crisis is even worse than reported. It further read that during future crises,” During crises, these centres can be quickly activated as emergency response kitchens or vaccination cites and through calmer times they can serve as food distribution hubs, schools, clinics, or community gathering spaces for families.”
This is the third or fourth relief centre being built by Archewell Foundation and World Central Kitchen.
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