The BJP on Friday has asked Congress not to use the coronavirus pandemic as a “political opportunity” as the ruling party expressed its state of shock at the opposition criticizing the Union Home Ministry guidelines on inter-state movement of workers.
Rather than giving any positive suggestion, constant criticism and pessimism during the tough times are not the solutions, the party said.
“The Congress should restrain itself from spreading canards, falsities and misinformation purely for political gain during a pandemic. The MHA guidelines lay down standard operating procedures (SOPs) for states to follow during migrants’ transfer. States are in talks with each other to effectively carry forward this mammoth task,”
BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra
The BJP’s responded soon after the Congress accused the Center for “cruelly” and “mercilessly” abandoning the entire segment of migrant labourers and termed “a cruel joke” the order on inter-state movement of workers.
“It’s astonishing and shocking that senior Congress leader Abhishek Manu Singhvi sees the MHA guidelines on migrant labourers as a joke.”
Reverted Patra
“A few days ago Rahul Gandhi had stated that lockdown is of no help… Our simple suggestion to the Congress is not to use the pandemic as a political opportunity,”
he said.
In his virtual press conference, Singhvi said the “mismanagement” of migrant labour shows the approach the central government has adopted towards the poor of the country.
“The Centre has mercilessly, cruelly and without second thought abandoned the entire category of migrant labour,”
Singhvi added
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