The owner of the world-famous spice brand ‘MDH’, including India, ‘Mahashay’ Dharampal Gulati breathed his last on Thursday morning at the age of 98. Mahashay Dharmapala Gulati was known as ‘MDH Uncle’, ‘Dadaji’, ‘Masala King’ and ‘King of Spices’. He was the owner and CEO of the spice brand ‘MDH’ (Mahasia di Hatti). Gulati, who immigrated to India from Pakistan after partition, started his livelihood with a tanga and today he left his company with a turnover of more than 1000 crores and traveled from this world.
Born in pakistan Gulati, popularly known as ‘Mahashay’, was born in 1919 in Sialkot, Pakistan. He was raised in Pakistan. In Sialkot, his father opened a spice shop named ‘Mahasiya di Hatti’ in the year 1919. His father used to sell spices here.
Family came to India after partition, bought Tanga with father’s money However, after partition in 1947, the family moved to India. Initially, the Gulati family lived as a refugee in Amritsar. But later Dharampal Gulati shifted to Delhi. When Gulati reached Delhi with his brother-in-law, he bought Tanga with the money given to him by his father.
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