A Delhi court Wednesday sent Jawaharlal Nehru University student Sharjeel Imam, arrested under the stringent anti terror law — Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, to four days police custody in a case related to communal violence in north east Delhi in February. Imam, arrested by the Special Cell of the Delhi police on Tuesday, was produced on Wednesday before the court through video conferencing.
Additional Sessions Judge Amitabh Rawat allowed the custodial interrogation of Imam. Delhi Police had sought his custody for five days.
The PhD student at the Jawaharlal Nehru University’s (JNU) Centre for Historical Studies was arrested in the case under the anti-terror law for allegedly being part of a premeditated conspiracy in connection to the riots in north east Delhi during protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act in February.
Communal clashes had broken out in northeast Delhi on February 24 after violence between citizenship law supporters and protesters spiraled out of control leaving at least 53 people dead and around 200 injured.
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