To ensure quick COVID-19 test results, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday asked officials to make TrueNat machines available in all 75 districts of the state by June 15. As part of its efforts to ramp up the testing capacity, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) had approved the use of TrueNat system for conducting coronavirus tests.
“TrueNat machines should be made available in all 75 districts by June 15 and made active. The state government has made these machines available and their number is being increased for speedy testing of COVID-19 cases,”
CM said during a review meeting, as per an official statement.
At the meeting, the chief minister emphasized on checking the death rate due to COVID-19 in the state and said measures should be taken for timely treatment of patients. CM Adityanath also said that a plan has been chalked out to provide 10 lakh new jobs to migrants in the next six months Emphasising on protecting police personnel from the virus, the chief minister said all measures should be taken in this regard.
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