A very embarrassing case has emerged from Chhatarpur district of Madhya Pradesh. Where the two youths have been accused that they killed a Dalit youth by beating them simply because they had accidentally touched their food. After committing the crime, the accused escaped. Police is searching for them.
This sensational incident of murder is from Gaurihar police station area of Chhatarpur According to the police, on December 7, three youths were partying in Kishanpura village. Devraj Anuragi, a Dalit youth was also involved in this. He first touched the food and passed it on to the upper caste colleagues. He first tried to beat her and then started beating her with sticks.
During this time the young man was beaten up so much that he fainted. Later, the accused left her at her home and fled and shortly after, the young man died. After the incident, the family of deceased youth Devraj Anuragi has lodged a complaint in the police station against Bhura Soni and Santosh Pal. Taking the police seriously, a case of murder has been registered against both the accused youths. Now the police is searching for them.
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