Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma is an avid user of social media and often posts pictures and videos to keep her fans updated about her to day life. Today, she took to her Instagram account to share her mouth-watering breakfast meal.
On the Instagram story, Anushka revealed that she was having a mix of fruits and nuts for breakfast. The picture showed that was having a mix of dragon fruit, bananas, kiwi, grapefruit, edible flowers, yoghurt, and muesli. The corner of the frame also featured a piece of bread. She captioned the post as “Breakfast done right.” She then followed it with a plate of pancakes, stacked one above the other, with syrup poured over it. She shared the picture, “Girl needed this.”
The actress is currently staying in the United Kingdom with cricketer husband Virat Kohli and daughter Vamika. However, on the work front, the actress has last seen in Zero co-starring Shah Rukh Khan, which was released in 2018. She will soon make a comeback with Irrfan Khan’s son Babil Khan’s acting debut project Qala.
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