The Uttar Pradesh police has placed an order for over 10,000 personal protective equipment PEE kits and asked has cops above the age of 55 years with a medical history to stay off the front-line duty after 28 of the police men tested positive.
DG Police Hitesh Chandra Awasthi also asked district police heads to purchase essential safety kits at the local level wherever it is needed.
“Till Thursday, 28 policemen have been found coronavirus positive in different districts of the state,”
Awasthi told PTI.
“We have already ordered 10,000 PPE kits. But due to shortage, only 3,000-4,000 kits have been received so far. Over 6,000 PPE kits are being purchased at the district level,” he said. “We have to take extra precautions to save our personnel from coronavirus,”
the state police chief said.
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