Anamika Shukla, a teacher who has been allegedly worked in 25 Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV) and has collected Rs 1 crore in salaries over a period of 13 months has been arrested by police in Uttar Pradesh’s Kasganj district.
In a media interaction, Kasganj basic education officer Anjali Aggarwal said-
“Anamika sent her resignation to my office on Saturday afternoon through a friend who was detained by us. Police was immediately called and the teacher who committed fraud was arrested close to the office in a car with the help of staff members.”
The police immediately took her to the local police station and she is been put to an underway interrogation.
Anamika, is a full time science stream teacher posted at the KGBV in Baghpat district, who was found working simultaneously in 25 districts after the basic education department started creating a digital database of teachers.
UP basic education minister Dr Satish Dwivedi ordered a probe and FIR against Anamika Shukla on Friday after the matter came to light. He also directed officials to carry out personal verification of all teachers posted in 746 KGBVs across the state.
The minister told the media, that if any department official is found helping Anamika Shukla in the fraud, an FIR will be filed.
“We are making the entire process of attendance and verification of teachers digital for transparency. Tablet is being provided to every school for attendance but the distribution process was halted due to the lockdown. We will soon be completing the process of tablet distribution”
Dr Satish Dwivedi said.
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