A 45-year-old Muslim man in Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur town was paraded through a street, assaulted and made to chant “Jai Shri Ram” slogans on Wednesday. He was eventually handed over to the police. Distressing footage of the incident shot by locals shows the man’s little daughter clinging on to him and begging the attackers to spare him. The footage also shows the man being hit while in the custody of the police.
The incident took place 500 metres from an intersection where the right-wing group Bajrang Dal held a meeting, where they claimed Muslims in the area were trying to convert a Hindu girl in their locality. The assault reportedly took place just after the meeting.
In a statement, the Kanpur police said they have filed a case of rioting against a local who runs a marriage band, his son and around 10 unknown people, based on a complaint by the assaulted man.
The police have not said if the men named in the case are affiliated to the organisation.
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