Today when millions of people are suffering from isolation, fear, anger, pain due to COVID 19 spread Buddha purnima meditation energies can bring peace, calmness, good health, immunity to people of earth.
Yoga prana vidya Ramana ashram trust Bangalore will conduct mass meditation open for all from 3 pm on wards today . Interested people will have to connect 10 minutes before the starting of the Live session.
Anyone can join via link to experience peace and discernment energies of BUDDHA.
This will conducted by our mentor Rt Wing Commander NJ Reddy , senior heater, trainer and founder of yoga prana vidya across world.
On the auspicious occasion of Buddha Purnima 7th May, We shall send the Lord Buddha Blessings Transmission.
Wesak is the Day of the Full Moon in the month of May and is the most sacred day to millions of Buddhists around the world. It was also on the Day of Wesak that the Buddha attained enlightenment and it was on this Day that the Buddha in his eightieth year passed away.
Each year on the Wesak full moon, a sacred doorway opens through the grace of Buddha and dispenses an immense light wave that sweeps our planet.
It is said that at this time each year, the Buddha returns to the physical plane for a short time, bringing an inflow of life and spiritual stimulation to uplift all of humanity. This is a great time of renewal and offers us a fresh new start on our spiritual path.
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