The Ministry of Home Affairs has extended India’s ongoing coronavirus lockdown on Friday, with an extension of two weeks after May 4. The announcement was accompanied by a new set of guidelines, based on demarcation of the country into “specific” zones reflecting the risk potential.
As compared to the last extension, the Government is allowing “significant” relaxations in terms of the activities which will be permitted during India’s Coronavirus lockdown 3.0, but conditions will apply.
This includes lifting the ban on e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart and others to resume the sales of non-essential goods including smartphones, laptops and PCs.
Which means e-commerce platforms can start off with the selling and delivering of non-essential goods like smartphones, laptops and PCs, starting from May 4. The sales, or rather deliveries, will be only permitted in orange and green zones of the country.
Green zones are essentially areas with either zero cases or no confirmed COVID-19 cases in the last 21 days while orange zones are those where the number is in-between zero or no confirmed cases and being at “significant risk of spread of the infection,” aka the red zones.
E-commerce platforms are not allowed to resume sales and deliver non-essentials in the red zones until further notice.
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