PM Modi conducts an inline meeting with the Chief Ministers from across the country as the number of coronavirus positive cases and death toll increases; the government will discuss the possibility of an extension of the lockdown period.
The total active cases in India has risen to over 6,500 as the government looks for an extension of the lockdown period. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will speak to the chief ministers of all states to discuss an extension of the lockdown though video conference. Already, Odisha and Punjab have extended their lockdown.
Meanwhile, state governments have now announced containment zones further restricting the movement of the residents. Delhi, Lucknow, Gurugram and Gautam Buddha Nagar aka Noida have all announced containment zones or the hotspots as cases have increased steadily. So far, according to data by the Health Ministry, India has 6,565 active cases, while 239 have succumbed to coronavirus. As per the ministry data, 642 have been cured or discharged. The number of cases is the highest in Maharashtra at 1,574, followed by Tamil Nadu and Delhi with 911 and 943 cases.
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