On the occasion of International Children’s Rights Day, a BA student in Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh, a Kotwal was made for a day. After handling the charge of Kotwali, five cases came in front of the student, in which instructions were given to register an FIR in two cases, while in three cases, the police station in-charge concerned was investigated and asked for further action. Let me tell you that on the instructions of UP DGP Hitesh Chandra Awasthi, student has been made a police station in every district for a day to give the message of child and women empowerment.
On the instructions of the government, Sushmita Yadav, a third year BA student of Government Women’s College, Ghazipur, got the city Kotwal Vimal Mishra sitting in his chair for a day. At the same time, Kotwal was seen working as his associate. Not only this, the CUG number of Kotwal also remained with Sushmita.
Sushmita Yadav heard many complaints coming on CUG number and gave directions to settle the cases through light charge. Let us know that on the occasion of International Children’s Rights Day, the charge of 1535 police stations and policemen was given to promising female students of the district for one day.
Sushmita, who became a day-long Kotwal, told that sitting in this chair, she feels very good. Sushmita said that the next goal is to become an IPS. She said that the police act as a friend to the common people, so they need not be afraid.
Last 24 hrs. – India reports 2,64,202 new cases, 5753 of Omicron.
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