A very embarrassing and frightening case has been heard in Vidisha in Madhya Pradesh. A 70-year-old elderly woman was raped and then brutally murdered. The incident was carried out when an elderly woman arrived at her farm to oversee irrigation. The poor people filled the soil in the woman’s mouth and lathi-batted her private part.
The woman went there to monitor the irrigation going on in the field before the sowing season.
According to the police, the unknown accused filled the mud in the victim’s mouth and attacked her personal parts with sticks. On Thursday morning, the villagers reported the number 100 to the police after seeing the naked chopped dead body of the woman in the bushes near the fields.
According to media reports Gairaspur police station police station in-charge Mahendra Shakya said that after receiving information about the incident, the family members of the deceased also reached the spot and identified him. The top police officers of the district, Vidisha, reached the spot with forensic experts from the district headquarters. After investigating the opportunity, the body of the woman was sent for postmortem.
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